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Father - General from the noble family of the Marquis de Mericourt emigrated from France after the Revolution in 1793. Mother - Anna Chistyakova - the daughter of M.V. Chistyakov, the writer and publisher of the magazine «Children reading».
1890 - entered the School of Drawing at Arts Promotion Society in St. Petersburg.
1903-1905 - visited Ya.F Tsionglinsky’s studio.
1906 - 1907 – studied in E.V. Zvantseva’s school led by L.S. Bakst and M.V. Dobuzhinsky.
1909 – published the first book of stories and poems «Jukebox». Participated as an illustrator in the anthology (Book I) of the «Priboi (Surf)» publishing house.
1909, the end of November - on the initiative of Guro and her husband Matyushev and several other artists St/-Petersburg Society of Artists “The Youth Union” was founded.
1910 – began working at «Poor Knight». Participated in the collection «Hatchery of the judges-I».
1912 - Publication of the «Autumn Dream» play.
1913 - Participated in the collection « Hatchery of the judges - II». Joined the group of poets «Hylea». April 23, 1913 (May 6, new style) - Died in Uusikirkko (Karelian Isthmus), 86 km away from St. Petersburg. Her tomb is lost. December 1913-January 1914 there was an exhibition of Guro’s works within the genera exhibition of St. Petersburg Society of Artists “The Youth Union» March 1919 - the fifth anniversary of her death was commemorated in the House of Writers on the bank of the Karpovka river, Aptekarsky (Chemist’s) island.
1990 - the State Museum of St. Petersburg History showed 30 Guro’s works in the Exhibition «M. Matushin and his school». May 24-June 30, 1994 - State Museum of St. Petersburg History (the halls of the Nevsky curtain of the Peter and Paul Fortress) held an exhibition of Elena Guro’s works. As to the breadth and diversity of the display of E.Guro’s creativity as the artist and poet, this exhibition is considered the first Guro’s solo exhibition.