Science program
The Museum of Organic Culture is the only museum in the world, systematically and purposefully engaged in the organic trend in the art of the XX-XXI centuries.
- The museum organizes exhibition and scientific activities according to the program for studying the creativity of artists whose works correspond to the concept of perceiving the world as an organic whole. / The concept of “Organic Culture” was formulated in the Russian avant-garde by Mikhail Matyushin in 1923, when he headed the department (GINHUK) under the same name.
The scientific program of the museum includes -
- scientific seminars and conferences, round tables
- study and electronic publications of the museum funds,
- replenishment of the public and electronic library on art / visit by appointment /
Friends, consultants, trustees of the museum:
Vasily and Elena Rakitina, John Boult and Nicoletta Misler, Vitaly Patsyukov, Abbess Xenia / Zaitseva /, Alla Demidova, Elena Kamburova, Vitaly Khrulkov, Oleg Genisaretsky, Nick Suin, Irina Sterligova, Nina Suetina, Vadim Voinov, Elena Ilya Yelena Yelena Yelena Yelena, Ile Elena Ilyin, Iryna Sterligova, Nina Suyutina, Elena Ilyunaretsky, Elena Ilein Ilyin, Irina Sterligova, Elena Kolbanovskaya.
The scientific department is headed by art historian Alla Povelihin,
Art director Irina Alikina