Knights serving the mission of art

Knights serving the mission of art

Kolomna, Kremlin, Kazakova 6
DIMA, Dmitry Rakitin. Permanent exhibition

Opening of the gallery under the laconic title “DIMA”. It will feature works of the artist whose creative personality is expressed by a proper name. Full name of the artist is Dmitry Rakitin.

The mission of art in Dmitry’s works manifests itself in an unconsciously conscious state of existence, when the whole world is presented as a cosmic crystal with countless faces. Dima encodes his internal states with shapes, colours, words, and numbers in a language incomprehensible to us but so organic for him. His artistic gestures are based on deep intuition and, thus, Dima is capable of transforming any ordinary things into those belonging to higher dimensions. "Notice beauty or it will grieve and feel lonely. Everything should yield and the fruit are to be collected". (E. Guro.

"Poor Knight")

“Artists who Saw the World in a Naive Way”

Kolomna, Kremlin, Kazakova 6

Permanent exhibition
Welcome to the opening of the permanent exhibition “Artists who Saw the World in a Naive Way ” presenting the work of artists who created a picture of the world instinctively and intuitively and filled it with philosophical and symbolic content.“Artists who Saw the World in a Naive Way” is the miracle of love for what they are depicting – the love that is uncorrupted with concepts of engineering, artificial conventions, and free from the burden of centuries-old traditions. Their picture of the world is really simple and kind, and their service to art is often the complement of their service to their neighbours. "I would rather believe eyes that are full of surprise and admiration. Children will never forget what is really beautiful. Poor are those who forget about beauty – they are so close to cruelty "(E. Guro. “Poor Knight”.)

Andrei Krasulin.
Opening of a monument-installation "BARACK" and presentation of the sculpture "Bronze about

Kolomna, Kremlin, Kazakova 6

Osip Mandelstam is the Knight of the Poetic Word. It is known as the most cosmic of Russian poets of
the XX century. "His earthly life is a trial of his soul on this side of the border. We can only guess
about the unbearable dissonance in which he existed - between his genuine cosmic homeland and
devastatingly humiliating Russian life in 1930s. Isn’t it the potential differences that stroke the
sparks of his poetry? ... " (L. Ulitskaya). This cosmic Knight of the Word sacrificed his life to complete his knightly mission. One of the best poets of the XX century died of typhus in the transit Vladperpunkt camp. A. Krasulin created more than 60 plastic objects, each of which is the fixation of his thoughts in the process of communicating with Mandelstam’s poetry. Under the project "KNIGHTS SERVING THE MISSION OF ART" the monument-installation "Barack" is not a monument to the poet but rather a tragic symbol of the poet's life.


/painting, drawing, sculpture/

Welcome to the opening of a full-scale exhibition showing 120 works made by Andrei Krasulin – an artist who has a gift of releasing fanciful forms from seemingly "rubbish" things.

Andrei Krasulin’s art is full of internal ringing stringlike Light. He is known as a minimalist artist but his minimalism can be experienced in the human scale. The artist is "the custodian of things, in the deepest sense", as he gives a second life to paper, cardboard, wood, stone, and iron – lives testifying that he does not establish the world order but only emphasizes and explicates it. The exhibition of Andrei Krasulin’s works in MOC is his another attempt to reconnect the earthly and heavenly world, as well as universal space and temporary space dissipated in seconds of human life.

Knights serving the mission of art

26.09.2015 - 26.09.2020

The exhibition was held at: