Irina Karasik about Larissa, Astrein
Larisa, Astrein formally not among the direct disciples of Vladimir Vasilevich Sterligov. She joined the group already POSLe the death of a teacher and possessed of SIStheme and method in the classroom, organizSavannah his pupils in the 1980-ies. This mastery was so successful and organic that soon, Astrein became a full member of the community, and an indispensable participant of all exhibitions of the group. In the legacy of the Russian avant-garde ASTRhine more than just a close color theory Matyushin, soulful painting of Elena Guro. In their paintingstries, she creates a world of mysterious and magical, like a wonderful dream. Today, Astrein more passionate about color and optical tasks. The paint layer, consisting ofextending from the discrete vibrating color units, based on subtle gradations of shades, finding raduzing the lights and turning the film into a single color-light-air environment.
Space Sterligov. SPb.: LTD "p. R. P.” , 2001 (the avant-garde on the Neva). S. 119,123.