Love Gurevich about Larissa, Astrein
(born 1941, in the evacuation, the train, near the town of Gyzylarbat the Ashgabat region of the Turkmen SSR).
Father — the military, his mother— a nurse. From two to six years lived in Voroshilovgrad, Donetsk region., then in the village of Pestovo of the Novgorod region, two years later, moved to the suburbs of Leningrad, D. Vikkolovo. 1954 — in Leningrad. .was in the art Studio of Palace of pioneers M the pea. Graduated from the facultytet interior design industrial art to them. V. I. Mukhina (1966). WorkLa at the Institute of metallurgy and welding artist-architect, and then in KAI. Engaged in tapestry, ceramics. From 1982 he studied the system of Vladimir Sterligov in the classroom, held G. Zubkov and under the leadershiption M. Carusa (who later became her husband).
Prone to theory, analytical way of understanding satisfying to the color of the law. Focuses on the problems of the school, SterligVA: division of generalized, geometrizovannym forms, their penetration into each other, the principle of subsidiarity, the interaction of colors and shapes. Painting mostly shimmering on the surface of the sameTA — the web of strokes, small strokes or spots of another. In still lifes terlikowski set of objects: vessels, fruits, flowers, converted to a generalized form. Efforts are focused on the nature of the scales. “ForThurmont in the red-green spectrum”, “In suppressed tones”, “still life with white shapes”, “still life with blue forms", «Blue naturemort”, “Black colored”, “Blue red”, “still life of three tones”, “still life in a cold environment". In landscapes subject becomesXia space itself — and the air-light or marine and air. Tend to limit generalizations: the scenery — is “portrait.dy in the form of a bowl-domed space”. Sometimes the landscape is more conspecific, again terlikowski, green, sometimes with schematic figures. There are abstract compositions — e.g. “Blues”, withinvited to Express music, rhythm start painting.
the Artists of the Leningrad underground. SPb.: “Art-SPB” , 2007. p. 16