Sergey Spitsyn

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Sergey Spitsyn
Sergey Nikolaevich Spitsyn (08.07.1923/Detskoye Selo - ☦ 25.03.2014/St. Petersburg) - painter, graphic artist.

Graduated from Painting school (1948) and the Academy of Fine Arts (1954). Belonged to the circle of «severe style» artists from 1954 to 1962. From 1954 until the 2000s, was engaged in graphics in book publishing houses: «Detgiz», «Lenizdat», «Goslitizdat», «Soviet Writer». «Children’s Literature» etc. In 1963-1973, met the artist V. V. Sterligov, entered the pictorial and plastic tradition of Russian avant-garde art. Since the early 1970s, developed his own plastic principles, combining the achievements of Russian avant-garde and the tradition of Russian icon painting. In the 1960-1970s, participated in the preparation and holding of exhibitions of Russian avant-garde artists in the exhibition halls of the Leningrad branch of the Union of Artists. Wrote memories about artists L.A. Yudin, P.N. Filonov, V.V. Sterligov, P.I. Basmanov.

The constant participant of urban, regional and national exhibitions, exhibitions of easel and book graphics (more than 200) and several group exhibitions abroad (Italy, USA, Mexico, Australia, Germany, England, France, Holland); including six solo exhibitions.

A member of the Union of Russian Artists, the gold medal winner of the Academy of Arts (2003).

Based on materials fromСпицын,_Сергей_Николаевич


Sergey Spitsyn. Interview with MOC

«The Students Of Vladimir Sterligov»

25.09.2016 - 27.01.2017 /

Kolomna, Kremlin, Exhibition Hall, Brusensky lane, 31

/ Куратор проекта -

Irina Alikina